We’re always super-excited to find brands, businesses and companies who have sustainability at their heart. So, when I discovered the brilliant Knit Collection from Hey Dude, I just had to try out their eco-friendly style. Keep reading to find out how you can save 20% on your next order from this fantastic lifestyle brand with a conscience.
Did you know that approximately 8 million pieces of plastic pollution finds its way into the ocean every day?
Or that around 5000 pieces of marine plastic pollution have been found per mile of beach in just the UK alone?
Scary isn’t it?
Horrifying in fact.
And those pieces of plastic break down into smaller pieces of plastic. Micro-plastics.
You may not think that’s much of a problem. What harm can it possible do?
Well, lots is the simple answer. With 1 in 3 fish caught for human consumption containing plastic, we are now eating our own rubbish!
Nice thought isn’t it? You can read more about it here.
Plastic is devastating our oceans and we’re not sure what impact this is having on our marine life.
But it’s not too late for us to act and make a difference. No matter how small.
Living in Cornwall we are lucky enough to have dozens of beautiful beaches pretty much on our doorstep. GinGin is always keen to do her bit whenever we go to the beach, asking if we can do “a bit of a beach clean” before we leave.
I’m always amazed at the things people leave behind, not just the things that get washed ashore on the tide.
Beach tents, buckets and spades, inflatables and even flip-flops are often left discarded on the sand. Such is the way of our throw-away society.
The good news is that more and more of us are taking positive action to try and reduce our impact and our waste.
Eco-Friendly Shoes
So, I was so super-excited to discover that Hey Dude have a new range of footwear. The Eco-Knit collection from Hey Dude. There’s the Levante Knit, Wendy Knit and Wally Knit styles that make up the Eco-Knit collection.
Eco-friendly style for all the family: men’s, women’s and kid’s shoes.
And these shoes are fab-u-lous!
They are made from recycled plastic. Yep, plastic collected from the ocean and made into shoes!
Totally mind-blowing.
I know what you’re thinking: these shoes will be hard, horrible and very uncomfortable.
But nope! You’re wrong.
Hey Dude very kindly gifted me a pair of their fab shoes, and I chose a pair of pink Wendy Knit ones. They are quite possibly the most comfortable shoes I’ve ever worn.
Honestly, it’s like walking on air!
They’re so light and so comfortable that it’s like I’m not wearing shoes at all.
And they are brilliant for running around after two very active little girls all day long!
Mummies, trust me, you need these shoes in your life. Because, let’s face it, we’re on our feet for most of the time our little darlings are awake. We don’t need to sacrifice comfort for style. You can have both.
Not only are Hey Dude’s Eco-Knit shoes made from recycled plastic, they are oh-so comfy too. Plus they look good! And so Hey Dude are ticking all the boxes for eco-friendly style.
There’s More!
So not only did Hey Dude gift me a pair of shoes, they very generously said Jon could choose something for himself too.
Now Jon’s not used to being gifted anything, and he’s a man of simple pleasures. Give him a motorcycle, a fishing rod and a cup of coffee and he’s happy (though not all at once. That would be disastrous!)
He’s not one for making much of a fuss about his clothes. But he loved looking through the new line of Hey Dude men’s clothing. And he picked out the Tollek “Hey Dude’ Applique Sage Sweatshirt.
It’s a gorgeous hand-dyed colour. 100% cotton. There’s fabulous detailing in the stitching, too, and so you know it’s got the Hey Dude signature finish and style. We’ve found it to be a really good quality sweatshirt. It’s light enough to wear on the cooler summer evenings and will see you through the colder months with a t-shirt underneath.
The Best Bit
If you’ve read this far then you’re probably as excited about eco-friendly style as me! Or you’re happy to have discovered a fab brand that sells awesome activewear for men, women and kids.
The good news is that Hey Dude are offering a very generous 20% discount to all you lovely GinGin & Roo readers, as well as those of you who follow us on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook.
20% off!
All you need to do to qualify is enter the code GINGIN20 at the checkout. That’s it.
Be sure to give Hey Dude a like and follow on their social media platforms too 🙂 You can find Hey Dude UK on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
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